Monday, October 18, 2010

Bombs Away

What an interesting world we live in when people who need jobs can't get jobs because of lack of experience, and yet they are applying for the job to get said experience. Does no one in the industry believe that someone could possibly pick up on the job training quickly and be a vital part of the team? Think about it there are some many companies that have their own variety of systems, and engines, and ways of doing things, isn't it at least plausible that someone with half a brain could possibly be able to figure out what their company does differently? Seriously how about just giving someone a 90 minute trial, and if they can't cut it you drop them. Yes I know everyone wants that perfect employee on the first try, but lets face it shit happens, and sometimes the dark horse turns out to be the true stud.

Oh well, I guess that's why I'm not the employer at this current moment in time. Internet Journalism really doesn't pay the bills unless you have some substantial backers willing to help. Its also a place where if you know someone, or someone knows you, you have that much more of a leg up on the competition. The problem is that there are many times where I feel these sites fail to uphold their end of the bargain, they get swooned by the money that a sponsor gives them and then they are no longer going with their gut on reviews, or news. Then again I'm sure if you are served enough Kool-Aid, at the right price, it would be pretty tempting to taint a couple of reviews.

I know there's probably not a lot of people out there that read this blog, hell I barely remember that I've still got this, on most days, but I'm seeing this is more of a venting platform for me. Sure everything is connected now, and I'm sure some future employer way down the road will read this and think I'm a bitchy son of a bitch, but the truth of the matter is that at least I'm willing to voice my opinion, and my gut about what is happening around me. Sure I do it in written words, most definitely more than I do with spoken words, but the end results are the same, someone is going to hear the voice, any they may agree, or they may disagree. Sure I could say that I've got it all right, but lets be honest there isn't any one or place or company that has it completely right. Also surely there isn't a place that isn't tainted ever so slightly for the love of green. We live in a capitalistic society, so the more you get the better you look. Sure the art side is great, and the passion is amazing, but with just those two things you might still have to hold that as a hobby, and take on a second job, much like I do, to pay the bills.

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